Are stubborn scars holding you back from living your best life?
Our Scar Massage & Therapy can help you regain comfort, mobility, and confidence.
Discover how our expert therapists (Michael) utilizes the renowned McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release (MSTR) technique to transform your scars.
Scar Massage is a specialized approach to healing that targets the invisible barriers that scars create in your body. Whether they are from injuries, trauma, or a surgical scar, they can lead to more than just cosmetic concerns. Scar massage addresses the deeper issues that external scar tissue can cause.
Scars are not just skin-deep. They can lead to a wide range of problems, including:
Diminished Sensation: Numbness, tingling, and pain on the bony scar tissue.
Irritation and Over-sensitivity: Itching, burning, and hypersensitivity in the underlying tissue.
Eroded Self-Assurance: Loss of confidence.
Constrained Movement: Restriction and tightness.
Impaired Circulation: Reduction in lymph and blood flow.
Weakened Muscle Power: Loss of muscular strength.
Decreased Vitality: Reduced energy.
Limited Joint Mobility: Inhibited joint movement.
Treating scars is more than just a cosmetic concern. Scar therapy is crucial for your overall well-being because it can:
Alleviate Pain: Scar tissue therapy can reduce or eliminate chronic pain and discomfort.
Restore Mobility: You can regain your full range of motion by releasing scar tissue.
Boost Confidence: Stretching the scar tissue helps collagen fibers to return to normal and improves the entire scar appearance.
Enhance Functionality: Regain the natural function of the affected area for improved quality of life.
Our center utilizes the highly effective McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release (MSTR) technique, a trusted method with a track record of success. MSTR is a gentle, non-invasive approach that focuses on the core of the problem – the scar tissue itself.
Our MSTR process involves precise, manual techniques that break down the fibrous tissue, encouraging your body’s innate healing process to remodel scar tissue and restore tissue elasticity and function. Say goodbye to the limitations caused by scars and hello to a life free from pain and discomfort.
Don’t let scars define your life; take control and contact us today. Our expert therapists are ready to guide you through our Scar Tissue Massage & Therapy program, tailored to your unique needs.
Ready to experience the life-changing benefits of Scar Tissue Massage & Therapy? Reach out to us today, and let’s begin your journey towards a scar-free, pain-free, and confident future. Your best self is just one call away.
How do I know if I need corrective exercises?
If you are wondering whether you need corrective rehabilitation or not, look out for the key indicators or postural imbalance.
Are there any other ways to fix muscular imbalance?
Any therapeutic regime includes various techniques besides exercises. Fiveway Clinic
provides many such services that enhance the work of corrective exercises. These
At Fiveway, we have qualified and experienced professionals who will provide a
personalized treatment plan for you, with techniques most suitable for your fitness
needs and personal preferences.
If you have more questions, contact us at [email protected], and we will answer
them in our next blog.
You can also contact us for an online consultation if an in-person visit is not feasible.
Your fitness matters to us.
Sessions last between 45-60 minutes
Results are typically seen instantly. Most people leave with less pain
To be determined by the therapist.
Yes, the Mcloughlin Scar Release practitioner will assign a few exercises. They are generally easy and comfortable
NO gym required. The Therapist may ask you to get a couple of simple things i.e., exercise ball, exercise bands